Mountain Home – NT
The Project sits within an under-explored inlier of prospective Proterozoic-age McArthur basin stratigraphy – the host stratigraphy of all major metalliferous deposits within the McArthur Basin.
The entire 40km strike extent of the inlier is prospective for copper mineralisation, with 27km of strike sitting within the Mountain Home Project area.
This Proterozoic-aged basin hosts the world’s largest accumulation of shale-hosted zinc-lead-silver mineralisation, including the world-class McArthur River lead-zinc Mine, the Teena zinc-lead discovery, the Redbank copper deposits, and the historic Merlin Diamond Mine, all of which lie within 80km of Mountain Home.
Rock chip grab sample assay results of up to 33% copper highlight the Project’s exceptional early-stage potential, with associated gold in the rock chip samples of up to 1.31g/t Au.